the use of artificial intelligence in the light of succession law in the case of Elis Regina



Artificial Inteligence, co-regulation, Right to Image, Succession, Digital Heritage


This research addresses artificial intelligence and the use of posthumous image rights. It focuses on a case involving the use of deepfake technology to recreate the singer Elis Regina, who passed away 41 years ago, for a Volkswagen 70th anniversary campaign, where she was digitally placed alongside her daughter, the singer Maria Rita. The study aims to investigate how to establish limits on the use of artificial intelligence in relation to posthumous image rights. It involves analyzing the regulation of artificial intelligence in Brazil, exploring the right to the image of deceased individuals, and examining the Elis Regina case in terms of personality rights within the context of artificial intelligence. To achieve its objectives, the research methodology employed was deductive, involving a literature review of doctrines and laws related to artificial intelligence, personality rights, succession rights, and digital rights. The work concludes that human dignity, as a fundamental right, transcends death and technological revolutions but raises questions about the use of artificial intelligence, especially concerning deceased individuals, leading to debates on ethical considerations and authorial rights in the context of AI

Author Biographies

Natália de Sá Cordeiro Braz, Seventh of September University Center

Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP. Lawyer registered with the OAB/PE. Master's degree in Private Law from the 7 de Setembro University Center. Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from the Regional University of Cariri - URCA. LLM in Contract Law from UniBF. Specialist in Mediation, Conciliation, Arbitration and Negotiation from Faculdade Legale. Specialist in Higher Education Teaching from Faculdade Única de Ipatinga. She is currently a contracted professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of Araripina - FACISA. External collaborator in the research project Access to Justice in Family Law of the Master's and Doctorate program in Negotiation Law of the State University of Londrina - UEL. Member of the National Research Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law - IBDFAM and Secretary of the North/Northeast Nucleus. She has experience in the area of ​​Civil Procedural Law and Civil Law, with emphasis on Contract Law and Family Law.

Ramon de Vasconcelos Negócio, Seventh of September University Center

He holds a degree in Law from the University of Fortaleza (2007), having presented a monograph entitled "Influences of Iberian Patriarchalism on Brazilian Federalism". He completed the module "Organization of the State and Powers" of the specialization course (Lato Sensu) in Constitutional Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He holds a master's degree in State Law, in the sub-area of ​​Constitutional Law (2011), from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with a dissertation entitled "Lex sportiva: from legal autonomy to transconstitutional dialogue". With the help of the DAAD/CAPES/CNPq agreement (travel and scholarship), he completed his doctorate (2019) at the Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main), whose work is entitled "Vom Fremddruck zur Selbstbeschränkung: Das Problem der Verarbeitung juridischer Normativität durch Internet-Intermediäre" and published by Nomos in 2020. He works mainly on the following topics: Introduction to Legal Studies, General Theory of the State, Civil Law (general part), Sociology of Law, Theory of Law, in addition to working on a discipline involving Law, Internet and new technologies.


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How to Cite

de Sá Cordeiro Braz, N., & de Vasconcelos Negócio, R. (2025). HOW OUR PARENTS: the use of artificial intelligence in the light of succession law in the case of Elis Regina. Revista Brasileira De Inteligência Artificial E Direito - RBIAD, 1(1). Retrieved from