
  • José Pontes FACAMP
  • Clara Coelho Mangolin Curso de direito da FACAMP


ASG; RSE; direitos humanos; fintech; mercado financeiro, mercado de capitais; blockchain; contratos inteligentes; inteligência artificial.


In the digital transformations of recent decades, new forms of financial resources for the people, businesses and governments invariably pass through impact assessments on fundamental and human rights. On the one hand, the issue of public and private governance puts pressure on the international financial sector in alignment with the UN SDGs-2030, like the “Equator Principles”. On the other hand, there is the social responsibility of investors, present in documents such as the Principles for Responsible Investment. The aim of the research is to offer an updated view of the repercussions of digital technologies on responsible financing and their relations with the decentralization of finances for credit democratization. In correlation with this objective, the focus is to analyze the impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies present in "smart contracts" currently in operation in the field. To what extent do these technologies contribute to or threaten the implementation of ESG goals? The question touches consumer lending market via peer-to-peer platforms and other "fintech" mechanisms that become vital to ESG objectives and economic and social development and poverty reduction, but can also add numerous new risks to human rights in the careless use of AI and "smart contracts". The methodology of analysis of articles and national and international doctrine seeks to clearly identify these risks as an important challenge for the financial sector in general and in the capital market as part of it. The expected conclusion is to overview the main trends in corporate social responsibility in the financial sector and its harmonization with human rights in the digital age.

Author Biographies

José Pontes, FACAMP

Doutor pela Universidade de São Paulo. Co-coordenador do G.P. Compliance Facamp. Prof. pesquisador da graduação em direito e do P.P.G.D. Facamp/Campinas/SP. Editor-chefe da Revista DESC ( Endereço eletrônico: Faculdades de Campinas, (Facamp), Campinas, Brasil ORCID:

Clara Coelho Mangolin, Curso de direito da FACAMP

Curso de direito da FACAMP e pesquisadora de iniciação científica do Grupo de Pesquisas Interfaces Jurídicas do Regime de Conformidade (Compliance) do programa de pós-graduação em direito (PPGD) da FACAMP


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How to Cite

Pontes, J., & Mangolin, C. C. (2024). FINANÇAS DIGITAIS ESG: DESAFIOS DO FINANCIAMENTO RESPONSÁVEL NO USO DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E SMART CONTRACTS . Revista Brasileira De Inteligência Artificial E Direito - RBIAD, 4(1). Retrieved from